Star Watch Daily – 6/14/18

Hello, Watchers!

I find it kinda interesting that we are in a dawn of a new era. First, we have the new millennium, then we have the Age of Technology (which is like the modern-day version of the Industrial Revolution), and now we have the Space Race II (which is part of the Age of Technology). This is a very interesting time. Anyways, after my mini existential crisis, it is time to get into some articles, so let’s do this!

I’d also like to ask you two things: 1) Do you guys like pictures in my articles?; and 2) Do you guys want me to put my blog from what it is now, to its own domain name? It would definitely not happen for a while, like a year or so (I would try to pay for it myself). Let me know your answer to these questions in the comments, but now onto Star Watch Daily.

Number One:

It’s coming! Meteor shower season is on its way! Starting in 8 days, there will be constant meteor showers every day until September 15, it being the last day. August 4 to August 24 will be the peak time with three meteor showers happening that day. Once September 16 comes, don’t fret, the winter meteor shower season starts on October 2 to 27, takes a quick pause, then resumes again on November 1 with a roaring passion, screaming in about 4 meteor showers a day from the 16 of November to the 23 of November I believe. Then, on December 4 through 9, the peak day comes for the year and the winter with about 6 to 7 meteor showers a day. I can’t read what I wrote earlier to see if it was 6 or 7, sorry.

Number Two:

Also coming up is the switch of Saturn’s bright time. It was in the morning but starting June 27, it will be in the evening. Unfortunately, though, it’s apparent magnitude will only be 0.93 :/. Which believe it or not, the Pleiades cluster will be about almost as bright with an apparent magnitude of 1.6.

Well, that’s all for today’s edition of Star Watch Daily. God bless! And remember, keep watching!

Haven’t seen yesterday’s edition of Star Watch Daily? Click here to see!


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